Welcome To REBOOT 28-Day Challenge!
A quick message from us...
We are so excited that you're joining us for our REOOT Challenge.
Everything you need is on this page so...
If you're having any issues, please pop a message into the private WhatsApp support group.
We cannot wait to see what you accomplish! All we're gonna say is...
Get ready to be blown away by your results!
Ben & Emma xx
Make sure you click the button below to join the support group for the challenge
Data Collection: Before Photo, Measurements & Weight
Photos - Take a minimum of 3 images, front, side and back. Use good lighting, ideally first thing in the morning. Females, please take your photos in underwear/bikini. You can upload images bia google form or send to: emma@emmamelhuish.com
Measurements - Sites to measure; belly button, 1 inch above and 1 inch below the belly button. Other sites to measure include, glutes (widest part), hips, arms, thighs.
Scale weight - We are not using scale weight as a primary indicator of success, because progress photos and measurements tell a much greater story, however we do need to know your weight to determine your daily calories & protein intake for the challenge.
Calculating Your Daily Calorie & Protein Intake
During this 28-days we're taking a calorie first approach with nutrition with a primary focus on hitting your daily protein intake.
If followed, the calculation below will put you in a calorie deficit which is when weight loss occurs.
Step 1: Calculate your weight in pounds.
Click here for a handy calculator to help you convert weight in Kg to pounds: https://www.convertworld.com/en/mass/kilogram/kg-to-lbs.html
Step 2: Times your weight in pounds by 11
For example your weight is pounds is 143 lbs x 11 = 1573
You daily calorie intake in this example would therefore be 1573 Kcal
Step 3: Calculate your daily protein intake
Divide your daily calorie intake by 100 and times by 30
Taking the above example; 1573/100 = 15.73
15.73 x 30 = 471.90
Divide 471.90 by 4 (471.90/4) = 118
In the above example your daily protein intake would be 118 grams which equates to 472Kcal per day.
Your REBOOT Challenge Downloads!
Training Guide - HOME
REBOOT Recipe Guide
Training Guide - GYM
Bonus High Protein Recipes
Cardio + Step Guide
Food List Table
Things To Consider
To maximum results, during the 28-day challenge ideally avoid alcohol altogether. However if you do decide to have a drink, calories will need to be removed from your day to compensate.
- An average glass (175ml) of (not sweet) 12% wine = 133Kcal
- Pint of 5% strength beer = 239Kcal
- Double measure of gin (50ml) = 95Kcal
- For more info on average number of calories in alcohol, check out: www.nhs.uk/live-well/alcohol-advice/calories-in-alcohol/
To maximum results, during the 28-day challenge consider avoiding dairy altogether. However if you cannot bear to drink tea or coffee without (see below), try to keep to the absolute minimum, because:
- Dairy can be a very common cause of inflammation, often due to the presence of A1 casein
- For many the lactose in cow’s milk can be difficult to digest, which can display symptoms such as nausea, cramps, gas, bloating, and diarrhea
- Have two coffees/teas per day, preferably black. However let's not be obsessive here. If you really like a dash of milk in your tea or coffee then, by all means, include it. However, do not let this then creep up to 3 coffees and 3 teas, all with milk.
- If you do end up having a cappuccino or latte etc, then this needs to be as part of your overall calorie intake.
- Switch to decaf options after 12-noon to ensure you have the best change of a good nights sleep.
Eating out
To maximum results, during the 28-day challenge ideally you want to avoid eating out... BUT if you do, the following guidelines are to empower you to make positive choices to avoid sabotaging your goals 🙂
- Decide ahead of time what sorts of things you will look for on the menu and what questions and requests you may want to make to the staff.
- Build your meal around the protein first. So choose a steak, a piece of fish, poultry, or something similar. Ideally we want to select a meal where we know what has gone into making it.
- Beware of sauces/dressings that will add calories in the form of sugar and/or fat. The best strategy is to ask for the sauce or the dressing on the side. If you are happy with sauce/dressing you choice to add what you want and know how much you are having.
- Ask for veggies to be made without butter or oil - once again so you know how much goes into your food.
- If it is a non-carb meal, then simply ask the waiter to replace the carb (e.g. rice or fries) with extra veggies.
- If it is one of your carb meals then do not opt for carb sources with other ingredients added such as chips of sticky rice.